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24.03.2024; PhD defence Philipp Katzy

Congratulations Dr. Philipp Katzy

17.03.2024; PhD defence Daniel Moser

Congratulations Dr. Daniel Moser

12.2024; Christmas

10.2024; Retreat Bad Münstereifel; 10 years AG Döhlemann

19.09.2024; PhD defence Janina Werner

Congratulations Dr.  Janina Werner

16.09.2024; PhD defence Maurice König

Congratulations Dr. Maurice König

11.07.2024; PhD defence Yoon Joo Lee

Congratulations Dr. Yoon Joo Lee

06.12.2023; PhD defense of Anna Hempel

Congratulations Dr. Anna Hempel

07.08.2023; PhD defense of Luayo Huang

Congratulations Dr. Luayo Huang

23.01.2023; PhD defense of Priyamedha Sengupta

Congratulations Dr. Priyamedha Sengupta

07.12.2022; Christmas

26.01.2022; PhD defense of Katharina Eitzen, geb. Lentz

Congratulations Dr. Katharina Eitzen

28.08.2021: Lab outing

16.02.2021; PhD defense of Selma Schurack

Congratulations Dr. Selma Schurack

25.11.2019; PhD defense of Jan Schulze Hüynck

Congratulations Dr. Jan Schulze Hüynck

05.2019; Retreat Malmedy

09.2018; Lab outing

06.2018; Retreat Ahrweiler

Melanie Kastl
Katharina Lentz
Bilal Ökmen
Henriette Läßle
Selma Schurack
Sarah Kroheck
Jasper Depotter
Ute Meyer
Raphael Wemhöner
Gudrun Klöttschen
Gunther Döhlemann
Elaine Jaeger
Jan Schulze Hüynck
Johana Stadtel
Weiliang Zou
Mitzi Villajuana Bonequi

02.2018; How to make a tumour

Congratulations to our former team member Alexandra Matei. Her Image of a maize leaf infected by Ustilago maydis is on the cover of the New Phytologist in March 2018.

Read the blog:

12.2017; ERC consolidator Grant received

Thank you ERC! Our lab will receive five years funding for a synthetic biology approach on the reconstruction of fungal virulence.

25.09.2017; PhD defense of Sebastian Ziemann

Congratulations Dr. Sebastian Ziemann

09.2017; Lab outing

04 – 10- 2017; iGEM @ AG-Doehlemann

Team artico is hosted by our lab to construct orthogonal organelles in yeast

07.2017; Kimberly Green in Cologne


Kimberly Green from Barry Scott's lab visits our lab for collaborative experiments and reports on her exciting Epichloe research.

05. 2017; Retreat in Xanten

From left to right

Rapheal Wemhoener
Gudrun Kloettschen
Weiliang Zuo
Jan Schulze Hüynck
Oliver Johanndrees
Kathariana Lentz
Ute Meyer
Johana Misas Villamil
Gunther Doehleman
Bilal Ökmen
Elaine Jaeger
Nick Dunken
Selma Schurack
Jenna Krumbach
Daniel Hilbig  

03. February 2017; Seminar

"Secretome characterization of the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea" presented by David Scheuring from the department of phytopathology, University of Kaiserslautern.


01.2017; Group Picture

from up to down
Sebastian Ziemann
Gunther Doehleman
Ute Meyer
Jan Schulze Hüynck
Hawi Kadr
Daniel Hilbig
Elaine Jaeger
Bilal Ökmen
Selma Schurack
Helen Dauben
Weiliang Zuo
Poornima Charles
Gudrun Kloettschen
Kathariana Lentz
Rapheal Wemhoener
Johana Misas Villamil

01.2017; Seminar Dr. Karina van der Linde

Homer´s myth of the Trojan horse meets small proteins in Zea mays anther development

23.01.2017; PhD defense of Alexandra Matei

Congratualtions Dr. Alexandra Matei

12.2016; Christmas

merry christmas!

03.2016 first retreat in Nideggen

from left to right

Mitzi Villajuana Bonequi
Weiliang Zuo
Raphael Wemhoener
Katharina Lentz
Gudrun Kloettschen
Sabrina Eschbach
Gunther Doehlemann
Johana Misas Villamil
Jan Schulze Hüynck
Alexandra Matei
Bilal Oekmen
Sebastian Ziemann
Sara Theimann
Ute Meyer
Elaine Jaeger
Ngueda Christelle

09.2015; Lab outing 2015

1 / 3

one day with hiking and a view into the "Kanzlerbunken" in Ahrweiler

07.2015; Rauischholzhausen New Phytologist Workshop

We are pleased to organize the 12th New Phytologist workshop “The apoplast as battleground for plant-microbe interactions” together with our colleagues  Bart Thomma and Cyril Zipfel


starting in Cologne 2014

2015; AG Doehlemann University of Cologne

from left to right

Bilal Ölmen
Ute Meyer
Johana Misas Villamil
Elaine Jaeger
Alexandra Matei
Daniela Klubertz
Mitzi Villajuana-Bonequi
Batian Kemmrich
Sebatian Ziemann
Gunter Doehlemann
Gudrun Kloettschen

10.2014; Julius Kühn Preis für Dr. Gunther Döhlemann

Prof. Dr. Gunther Döhlemann

Dr. Gunther Döhlemann receives the Julius Kühn Preis by the German Society for Plant Pathology (DPG):

05.2014; University of Cologne

Biozentrum University of Cologne

It’s signed: The Doehlemann lab will move to Cologne