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The Terrestrial Microbiology Lab:

Molecular mechanisms of microbe - plant interactions

Our research aims to understand the molecular basis of interactions between plants and their biotic environment. We are studying virulence mechanisms of pathogenic microbes and how they interfere with the immune system of the host. The main interest is to elucidate fundamental mechanisms of compatibility, i.e. to understand the key features that determine infection or resistance, respectively.

More detailed descriptions of our current research project you can find here

Prof. Dr. Gunther Doehlemann   
University of Cologne         
CEPLAS / Institute of Plant Sciences     
Terrestrial Microbiology                     
Zülpicher Straße 47a
D-50674 Cologne
Tel: +49 221-470-1647
Fax: +49 221-470-7406

Gudrun Kloettschen                   
University of Cologne
CEPLAS / Institute of Plant Sciences
Terrestrial Microbiology
Zülpicher Straße 47a
D-50674 Cologne
Tel: +49 221-470-1602
Fax: +49 221-470-7406